On this page I share a Praat script that gets audio file durations from a directory containing audio files. The script outputs a .csv file.

Step 1: Preparation

Download the Praat script (or see full script at the end of this page). Gather all your files in a folder.

Step 2: Run the script

Open Praat and Select Praat - Open Praat script…, and select the get duration script.

Select Run - Run. You will be taken to a window where you can choose where your audio files are located.

After choosing the directory, Praat is going to look at all files with the provided extension, get the files’ durations, and create a output .csv file in the same folder. The output should look like this:


The file selection procedure used in this script is from Scott Seyfarth annotation.Praat.

Full script

form Get audio file duration
    word Sound_file_extension .mp3
    sentence Output_file_name output.csv
    comment Press OK to choose a directory.

procedure getFiles: .dir$, .ext$
    .obj = Create Strings as file list: "files", .dir$ + "/*" + .ext$
    .length = Get number of strings

    for .i to .length
        .fname$ = Get string: .i
        .files$ [.i] = .dir$ + "/" + .fname$


    removeObject: .obj


directory$ = chooseDirectory$: "Choose a directory:"
outfile$ = directory$ + "\" +output_file_name$
writeFileLine: outfile$, "file,duration"
@getFiles: directory$, sound_file_extension$

for i to getFiles.length
    soundfile = Read from file: getFiles.files$ [i]
    filename$ = selected$("Sound")
    filename_full$ = filename$ + sound_file_extension$
    duration = Get total duration
    duration_mili = duration * 1000
    appendFileLine: outfile$, "'filename_full$', 'duration_mili'"

    select all