Participant recruitment for LING-2021-10-01, January 2025

【Mandarin Chinese speakers wanted】Eye-tracking experiment recruiting

Please read the descriptions carefully before booking

Eligibility requirements


This study examines how Chinese sentences are processed by native Mandarin speakers.

The main experiment will record your eye-movements while you listen to sentences. You will be given £9/hour for your participation.

The experiment will take place in person in Chandler House, 2 Wakefield Street, WC1N 1PF. Please meet the experimenter at the reception. The building is very close to the Brunswick shopping centre. Directions and a map can be found here. Please do not wear eye make-up (especially eyeliner and mascara) on the day of the study. Or you can remove your eye make-up before the experiment. It is ok to wear contact lenses or glasses. If you wear both regular glasses and contact lenses on a daily basis, please wear contact lenses on the day of the experiment. However, please do NOT wear coloured contact lenses. Any questions, please email


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