Participant recruitment for LING-2021-10-01, January 2025
• • Reading time: 2 minutes
【Mandarin Chinese speakers wanted】Eye-tracking experiment recruiting
Please read the descriptions carefully before booking
- Study type: standard in-lab study
- Duration: 50min
- Compensation: £9
- Location: Chandler House, UCL, WC1N 1PF
- UCL Ethics Committee Approval Code: LING-2021-10-01
- Booking page: BOOK HERE (Please note that your appointment may be cancelled if you do not meet the eligibility requirements.)
Eligibility requirements
- Have not previously participated in any experiment (online, eye-tracking, EEG, etc.) where the Principle Investigator is Dr. Wing-Yee Chow.
- Native Mandarin Chinese (mainland variation) speaker.
- No other native languages & No dialects spoken more than Mandarin (e.g. Wu, Min, Yue/Cantonese).
- Age 18 or more.
- Right handed.
- Normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
- No more than 600 degrees of myopia/hyperopia.
- In case of any vision conditions, make sure you have access to working vision correction (i.e. your glasses/contact lenses need to give you normal vision).
- Normal hearing in both ears.
- No history of neurological/psychological disorders.
- No tattoo near the eyes.
- Not experiencing medical issues with your eyes (e.g., dry eyes) or receiving any medical treatment that may affect your eyes / your sight.
This study examines how Chinese sentences are processed by native Mandarin speakers.
The main experiment will record your eye-movements while you listen to sentences. You will be given £9/hour for your participation.
The experiment will take place in person in Chandler House, 2 Wakefield Street, WC1N 1PF. Please meet the experimenter at the reception. The building is very close to the Brunswick shopping centre. Directions and a map can be found here. Please do not wear eye make-up (especially eyeliner and mascara) on the day of the study. Or you can remove your eye make-up before the experiment. It is ok to wear contact lenses or glasses. If you wear both regular glasses and contact lenses on a daily basis, please wear contact lenses on the day of the experiment. However, please do NOT wear coloured contact lenses. Any questions, please email
- Remove your eye makeup before the experiment.
- Please remember to wear your glasses or contact lenses if needed.
- Please DO NOT wear coloured contact lenses.